About The Owner
I am a Brawler. I’ve always been, in one sense or another. It just kind of happened, as my life was being pulled in that direction since even just a little boy. Whether it be in the case of being bullied for the first 14 years of my life, to fighting back, to fighting with extreme chronic pain throughout my body, my entire life has been the story of a fighter, at any given point. I don’t say that in a “Woe is me” sort of way either, but in just a true and matter of fact way. I also say it in a way that I would NOT change any of it. That’s a big part of what has molded me into the Brawler that I am today. Not everyone has the pleasure of being beaten up one side and down the other unto the brink of death multiple times in their lives and being able to tell the stories, later. But that story, or those stories are mine. I was mercilessly bullied throughout my childhood, and when I say “Mercilessly” I mean just that. I was beat up, stitched up, iced up and everything elsed up, more times than I can say, as a young kid. In 10th grade, I decided to “Flip the Script” so to speak. I started asking myself, “Why don’t you fight back? What are you afraid of?” Well, the answer quickly became…NOTHING! So, I started fighting back, and I found out that I was really good at it. I started standing up for the “little guys,” the ones who didn’t stand a chance against their bullies. My mindset was, “No bullies allowed.” I took that mindset into the Military with me and did the very same thing. Sometimes, it got me into trouble, and sometimes it got me ahead. Either way was fine with me, as long as the bullies got the message. Fast forward to today, and what ya get is a very different kind of Brawler. I no longer like violence, in any way. As a matter of fact, I hate it. Though I do still very much dislike bullies and will still step between them and their victims, I fight a bigger fight now. I am a Pastor of an inner-city church (New Day Christian Fellowship). I’m not what you typically would think of when you think of the word, “Pastor.” But I fight now, for the Truth of God’s Word. To uphold it in a time where society has done all it can to demean and twist it into their own ways of thinking. The TRUTH is what we need, and so, I fight the GOOD fight of the faith, not just for myself but for my wife, kids, friends and you!” With all that said, I am also fighting the fight for Good Beards all around! I have taken my Brawler’s mindset to the cages of Men’s Grooming. I create nothing but Natural and Premium quality products that ANY Beard and its mate can enjoy! It ain’t easy battling hordes of bad Beards, but it is Necessary! And it is Possible with Big Brawler Beards! Derek

Local Beard Shows
Big Brawler Beards goes to local events often. You can find a list of any upcoming events that a booth will be setup at below:
Ohio Champaign County Fair Aug 2-9 https://champaigncountyfair.com